
The relationship between the protection of natural and cultural monuments and Sustainable Development in the Asterousia Biosphere Reserve of Man and Biosphere Program MAB /UNESCO

by in Uncategorized 20 March 2023

The Information and Awareness event was completed with great success of local organizations and citizens in Tymbakki on September 12, 2022 with the theme “The relationship between the protection of natural and cultural monuments with Sustainable Development in the Asterous Biosphere Reserve of the Human Program and MAB/UNESCO Biosphere’. The event was organized by the Protection Association Asterousia and the Development Agency of Heraklion within the framework of the project “Actions Environmental-Cultural information and awareness in the area intervention” (OPSAA code 0016524279) which the Asterousia Protection Association within the framework of the T.P. CLLD/LEADER Mesaras (AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM (RAP) 2014-2020), implemented by the Group of Local Action for Developmental Heraklion. Held in the Hall Meetings of the Municipal Apartment of Tympaki (Municipality of Phaistos) with more than sixty (60) attendees where the majority of them remained until the end. The interest and participation of the participants was impressive. The participation of the local community and the bodies of Crete highlights on the one hand the importance of the subject and the interest and on the other hand the priorities and the particular importance that should be given to it in the future. Agencies such as the Region of Crete, the Municipality of Phaistos, the Development Authority of Heraklion, the Network of Messara Associations, the Ecological Intervention of Heraklion, the Cultural Miamos Association, EEE, the Association for the Protection of Asterousia, EAP Waste Management and many residents honored with their presence and participation the meeting.



He graced the event with his presence and above all with his substantial participation the Most Reverend Metropolitan of Gortyn and Arcadia, Mr. Makarios. With the welcome from the Mayor of Phaistos Mr. Gr. Nikolidakis and the presentation of project and its purposes by the Director of Development Heraklion, Mr. G. Mavroyiannis was followed by the speeches of the following speakers: The Mayor of Phaistos, Grigoris Nikolidakis, spoke about the importance of the Reserve Biosphere of Asterousia for the wider area and the great possibilities that can provide the region with the inclusion of the Reserve in UNESCO. Report me emphasize that he wholeheartedly supports this effort and that the Municipality of Phaistos will helps with all the possibilities of the Municipality the actions that will lead to achieving the objectives of TEDA. The Director of Development Heraklion, Mr. G. Mavroyianni, referred to the importance of the programs that already exist in the area, such as that of T.P. CLLD/LEADER Mesaras and added that the special recommendation for upcoming events will follow programs in the area formed by the Development of Heraklion which will support Asterousia. The President of the Regional Council of Crete Mr. Pavlos Baritakis, conveyed the greeting of the Regional Governor of Crete, Mr. Stavros Arnautakis, and declared that he would support as always the Sustainable Development of the Asterousia region. The President of the Asterousia Protection Association and President of the Local Asterousia Management Committee (TEDA), Ms. Theano Vrentzou – Skordalaki recalled the procedures that highlighted the preparation of the file candidacy as well as THE DETERMINING CONTRIBUTION that the inclusion of Asterousia in the development of the wider area of South Crete can have world list of UNESCO monuments. He emphasized the participation and unanimous commitment of all five municipalities of the Region of Crete and a number of other Public Services (Archaeology, Forestry, Decentralized, Management Body of Eastern Crete, etc.) Associations, Chambers and collectives of the wider region. He underlined the important and decisive contribution of Prof. Michael Skoullos, President of the Greek National Committee of the MAB/UNESCO program and Ms. Aikaterinis Tzitzikosta, President of the Greek National Committee of UNESCO. He also thanked the Mediterranean Information Office, for the Environment, the Culture and Sustainable Development (MIO-ECSDE), for his long-term contribution to ABA and the organization of the event. Finally, he highlighted the importance of the participation of all its residents and agencies area. He pledged to continue TEDA’s efforts in order to region to get the development it deserves and asked for active support and participation of agencies and residents of the area in order for everyone to understand the benefits that Asterousia’s inclusion in the Global Reserve Network gives them MAB/UNESCO Biosphere. Dr. St. Xirouhakis from the Natural History Museum of Crete of the University Crete, made a very detailed informative presentation on the importance and particularities of the area. He referred to biodiversity and in particular fauna and avi-fauna of the area underlining how vulnerable it is to context of climate change and wrongful human interventions and that biodiversity is constantly threatened by intentional and unintentional human actions activities. The folklorist Mr. Georgios Stamatakis, with an interesting presentation about historical and cultural value of the area emphasized that this is not only important for the Cretan and Greek History but also the European and perhaps the world one. Considering that the inclusion of the area in the Network of Biosphere Reserves MAB/UNESCO may be of much greater importance than the average person would think observer. He mentioned in detail the cultural capital, the monuments (mainly of the Minoan and Pr.Minoan periods, as well as in matters of asceticism, of monasticism that first appeared in the region and the role they had in religious tradition.



Ms. Eva Katsaraki, from the Development Agency of Heraklion, with an informative article presentation on development planning in the Asterousia Biosphere Reserve based on alternative forms of economy, presented and informed the public for the circular, green and blue economy as well as the importance they can have in the future of the place. Professor Michael Skoullos, President of the EEE of the Program Man and MAB/UNESCO Biosphere, President of MIO-ECSDE & MEdIES. Prof. Mich. Skoullos initially presented the concept of Sustainable Development, which is broader and closer to the UN goals than “Sustainable Development”, and the its importance to humanity and how an area like the Biosphere Reserve Asterousion, if it works properly, can be a shining example to be emulated for the rest of Crete and Greece, with prospects for it as well Mediterranean in general. For the proper operation of the Inventory, the mechanism protection of the Natura areas of the Reserve, now located in jurisdiction of OFYPEKA, is a condition. He reminded that OFYPEKA participates in TEDA, the orderly operation of which must be ensured as soon as possible possible, based on our obligations to UNESCO. The benefits and opportunities from integration can be utilized and substantially improve the living, education, working conditions of the residents with an “agreed” vision and balanced design. The event closed with a constructive discussion between speakers and citizens at context of the active role of citizens and their agencies for the Reserve Biosphere expressing concerns, questions, reflection, objections and agreements on various issues. The discussion was closed by Prof. Mich. Skull addressing the challenges and priorities that need to be accelerated to strengthen policies to empower the permanent population of mountainous regions, confirming that “The road to the development of the region passes from the protection and strengthening of natural and cultural capital but and the way to protect the area goes through its development”. Finally, the President of TEDA, Mrs. Theano Vrentzou, after referring to the Program which was presented and based on the development plan, he reiterated that Asterousia Association will assist as a responsible body both in the protection and in the management of MAB.


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